I got this scar when I was around 2. My parents were carrying me, and accidentally dropped me on a glass table. It didn't need stitches, but it left this little line in my hair
Friday, December 5, 2014
Austin Ashley Blog #6
I got this scar around Christmas time when I was really young. I remember I had
a bunch of family members over and they were all eating dinner. My uncle
had spilled a glass and it shattered on the floor. Me, unaware of the glass on the floor walked on by
and I slipped on an ice cube from the glass. My wrist tried to break my fall and left me with this wonderful scar from glass in my wrist.
Jessica Sloan Blog #6
The scar on my ankle I got when I was around 4. It was from hitting my foot against a humidifier. I was sick and stepped down from my bed to get something. When I did, I touched my ankle against it when it was hot and got a burn from it. It's hardly noticeable now, but stayed with me for quite awhile. It was always a reminder for me of how only I could be the one to be hurt on such a weird thing, and to top it all off being sick at that too.
This is a scar from a long time ago. My mom and I were riding our bikes when I was 10 years old and I started going too fast down a hill. I hit the curb of a sidewalk causing my bike to immediately stop but for my body to keep going. I flew over the handlebars and landed on the cement and scraped my knee really badly and my hand was completely cut open. I went to the doctors and got stitches and now it is all heeled. But there is still a scar left to mark that memory.
Brittany Drago - Blog #6
These two scars (one on my left cheek and one on my right shoulder) are from when I had skin cancer when I was in 7th grade and they had to get rid of it so now I have two scars. Luckily, the stitches that were used on my cheek were dissolvable so the scar is hardly noticeable. However, the incision on my shoulder was too big so they weren't able to use the dissolvable stitches there. The surgery was extremelyyyyyyy painful and since it was my left cheek and my right shoulder, it was almost impossible for me to comfortable sleep without laying on the stitches.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Eckman Blog #6
Cal Edborg
My earliest memory was when I traveled to the Dominican Republic for spring break. This was the first time I have ever flown and have left the country. One word that I would use to describe my surroundings would be "electric." What I mean is that it is just as incredible as you would actually imagine! The sunsets are beautiful, the weather is extremely humid, and the beach is endless! We also took a trip around outside the resort we stayed in. We visited the schools and they were very run down. It was difficult to see that they are struggling and they weren't much older than me. The entire group of us donated to the teacher for new books and supplies and desks. This is one of the most moving things I have seen and nothing felt better than to help those in need. The trip was an eye opener for me to be grateful for what I have. We have it so good in America and we are fortunate to have what we have.
My earliest memory was when I traveled to the Dominican Republic for spring break. This was the first time I have ever flown and have left the country. One word that I would use to describe my surroundings would be "electric." What I mean is that it is just as incredible as you would actually imagine! The sunsets are beautiful, the weather is extremely humid, and the beach is endless! We also took a trip around outside the resort we stayed in. We visited the schools and they were very run down. It was difficult to see that they are struggling and they weren't much older than me. The entire group of us donated to the teacher for new books and supplies and desks. This is one of the most moving things I have seen and nothing felt better than to help those in need. The trip was an eye opener for me to be grateful for what I have. We have it so good in America and we are fortunate to have what we have.

Williams Blog #6
This scar was received on my right index due to an infection that, if left any longer, could have taken my life. I'm a heavy nail bitter and a bunch of bacteria got into my finger, leaving a huge puss bubble on it. When it was cut, it left this huge scar on my finger.
Giana Contrada blog #6
I got this scar when I was about 14 in gymnastics. I was climbing the rope and kept getting rope burn. I always had to do this for practice so it never healed right and left a nasty scar.
Shannon Blog Post #6
When i was little i was bouncing on the bottom step outside, and i forgot to put my hands out when i fell forward and got a pebble stuck in my forehead.
Morris Scar
I got this scar over last summer from skating. Me and my friends went to this new park that was built about 20 minutes outside of Boston. The park was really simple but it was so much to just go around and around it. I was trying a trick across an entire flatbar, like grinding the whole thing and I was getting closer and closer everytime. I had done the trick before on a different rail so I thought I had it for sure. Then after one close attempt I called it out and said I was going to land it next try. That try, everything went wrong and I basically ended up sliding across the whole thing on my shin. The cut was so deep you could see like white stuff instead of blood. I couldn't really skate the rest of the day so I just had a beer and watched the rest of my friends skate around. It coulda been worse but I kind of like it just because it reminds of a really fun day with my friends.
Sam Silver Blog # 6: Scar
This is a scar that I have on my right calf that I got while trying to ride my death machine of a bicycle home from a friends house. I got this bike for about $15 which I would now describe as, "suspiciously inexpensive" and, of course, it was so cheap for a reason. It was missing a pedal on one side, the chain was constantly detaching, and the handle bars would not stay stationary which isn't something I thought I'd have to think about when buying a bike but now I know. Anyway, I was riding my bike home and the chain pops out. Now usually this would be no big deal but I was coming down on my pedal and in an attempt to regain my balance I grabbed onto the handle bars which gave way pretty much immediately. The pedal rocketed around its usually cycle at an ungodly speed and the exposed metal bar that was made to hold the other pedal whipped around and pierced my leg in what I can only imagine is the lamest impalement story in the history of UT. Because of this I usually tell people who ask about it that I got it while I was doing a consultation for a dog training client, it works pretty much every time and my acquaintances can about their day thinking that I'm not a total idiot.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Tessarolo Blog #6
It is hard to see(in the middle of the picture), but I got this scar when i was just leaving the 4th grade. I was over at my grandparents house because my parents were out of town and we decided to make brownies for dessert. My grandma let me do most of the work, except for taking them out of the oven. I was even allowed to poke the center to check to see if they were done. That is where everything went terribly wrong. As I pulled my arm back out, I rested it on the glass pan that was holding the brownies. It instantly burnt my skin, and I screamed in pain. I immediately iced it, and it became a huge blister. Now, many years later, I have a barely noticeable scar on my right forearm.
Leibstein Blog Post #6
I got this scar last year in the beginning of last semester. I came back from december break early to stay with my then boyfriend and the night before my flight I was going out to dinner and dropped my hair straightener on my leg. I moved out of the way fast but it was really hot and it wrapped around my leg, clipping it perfectly. It boiled up and wouldn't stop bleeding and pushing for days. I wound up missing my flight the next day, cried and they put me on the next flight for free. Last summer I tried to get it layered, hence the light white spot, but it hurt so bad that I have not been back since to do it again.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Harrison Covington Blog #6
This is the only scar I have that is visible, I received it when I was around 10 years old or so in Costa Rica. While walking down a poorly lit stone path in the jungle, I was foolishly playing with a stick. I then had the misfortune of tripping, and my knee landed with my full weight onto a sharp rock. The wound was fatal and I did not survive.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Friday, November 14, 2014
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Isabelle Gay Blog #5
This photo is a very simple one, from when I was 5 years old. For some reason it has always been a favorite of mine. I thought, also, that it would be an ideal photo to recreate and see just how similar and different I look, now that I am 19. I tried to match everything as closely as possible, finding a sleeveless T-shirt, flipping my hair the same (I've learned that's kinda it's natural thing it does), creating the same pinkness on my lips and cheeks and trying (with some difficulty) to get the exact same expression on my face. I find it pretty cool to see them side by side.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Harrison Covington Blog Post #5
On my first birthday (the second candle in the original photo was for "luck") I was told not to put my fingers in the cake. After hearing this, I proceeded to without any hesitation whatsoever to take a bite out of the cake face first. I grew up to to be the same kind of selfish jerk I was when I was only a year old..... :)
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